Take a sneak peek into the life of a beekeeper! Building hive stands, assembling hives, getting bees, keeping bees, catching swarms, helping other beekeepers, extracting honey. And having a little fun along the way....
(Many photos courtesy of our photographer daughter, Katie Fischer)

Our Bees!

The problem with this is that the bees' comb is attached to the inner cover, making access a little trickier.

Swarms & Others' Bees!

Our 'angel bee' Maggie in front and 'grandbee' Mae in back

Our 'angel bee' Maggie in front and 'grandbee' Mae in back

This swarm was WAY up in the trees; by the time our son (who'd been enlisted in moving 4 rickety hives from a retired beekeeper) whacked at the jungle underneath, the swam left.

Amazingly, the swarm left it perch WAY up and landed way down in a bush - almost too easy to be true, as they just needed to be shaken off into the nuc box. Randy was ready!

This has to be one of the more original locations for a hive - on a pond! The intent was to keep the hive safe from ants, which had destroyed this new beekeeper's dad's hives. To his credit, Randy didn't fall out of the boat once....

This swarm was WAY up in the trees; by the time our son (who'd been enlisted in moving 4 rickety hives from a retired beekeeper) whacked at the jungle underneath, the swam left.

More than a
Little Bit of Fun!

Bee-utiful Books for Kids!*
Bees and Wasps
Look Inside the World of Bees
Peek Inside a Beehive
Why Do We Need Bees
(*Usborne books - beautiful & high quality!)